商品編號:P0144600301904 原始貨號:K-FRUCHK

果糖聚合物(果聚糖)(聚果糖)HK檢測套組 Fructan HK Assay Kit

產品編號: No.  700004286
目錄編號: No.  K-FRUCHK
  • 用於測量樣品中果糖聚合物(Fructan)的含量
  • 此套組樣品來源適用於麵粉、植物材料(例如:洋蔥)、食品和其他材料。
  • 檢測原理:
     先將樣品中的干擾物-蔗糖及較低聚合度的麥芽寡醣先以酵素分解後,再透過異構酶和脫氫酶作用後,會使NADP+轉變為NADPH,NADPH在分光光度計340 nm的波長下會產生吸光值(NADP+ 不會產生吸光值),後續再與標準溶液之吸光值對照,即可得到干擾物的吸光值。
  • 此套組之測量結果,需搭配分光光度計(spectrophotometer)使用
  • 線性範圍: 4 to 80 µg of D-glucose, D-fructose or sucrose per assay
  • 偵測極限:1 g/100 g
  • 便捷、易用、易學、易上手
  • 節省設備建置、實驗室空間、耗材、委外送驗等開銷
  • 提供線上可下載之計算工具,原始數據輕鬆處理
  • 總測試時間:約30分鐘
  • 應用:食品研發、學術研究、原物料和成品檢驗
  • 冷藏(2–8°C)可短期存放,如需長時間保存,請參考瓶身的保存方式(酵素保存方式皆不相同)
  • 供應規格:50 檢測反應/套組
  • 供應規格:此套組內僅提供酵素溶液,其他藥品及耗材需另購
  • 此商品交期約30-45天,可接受在下單。
  •     7天鑑賞期後即可折抵
  • 原價 : $ 9,999,999



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  • 背景資料

    果糖的聚合物(Fructan)被定義為含有一個或多個fructosyl- fructose linkage,並以此鍵結為主體之物質,根據聚合物的大小和具體特徵(specifically characterised)可區分為低聚物(oligomer)和聚合物(polymer)。果糖的聚合物(Fructan)根據分子結構和分子量的不同,可分成三種:

  • A. Fructan Extraction
    Samples containing 0-12% fructan
    1. Accurately weigh 1.0 g of sample into a Pyrex screw cap culture tubes (25 x 150 mm) and add 25 mL of distilled water.  Loosely cap the tube.  Place the tube into a boiling water bath and heat for 5 min, tighten the tube cap and vigorously mix the contents.  Heat the tube  contents for a further 5 min and mix the contents.
    2. Allow the solution to cool to room temperature and then quantitatively transfer it to a 50 mL volumetric flask and adjust to volume with distilled water.  Mix the contents thoroughly.
    3. If the sample contains significant quantities of D-glucose, D-fructose and/or sucrose (say 30-60% w/w), aliquots should be diluted a further 5-fold or 10-fold before assay.  Mix the solution thoroughly and repeat the assay.  For samples containing high levels of D-glucose, D-fructose, sucrose and/or maltose, the K-FRUC assay kit and protocol should by followed.

    Samples containing 12-100% fructan (or fructan plus sugars)
    1. Accurately weigh approx. 1.0 g of sample into a dry pyrex flask (500 mL capacity) and add 300 mL of hot distilled water.  Place the flask in a boiling watrer bath and heat (at ~ 100°C) for 15 min (i.e. until the sample is completely dispersed).
    2. Allow the solution to cool to room temperature and then quantitatively transfer it to a 500 mL volumetric flask and adjust the volume to the mark with distilled water.  Mix the contents  thoroughly.
  • B. Further treatment of samples
    1. Transfer ~ 2.0 mL of samples solutions into 2.0 mL microfuge tubes and centrifuge at 13,000 rpm for 5 min.  Alternatively, filter an aliquot of the solution through a Whatman GF/A glass fibre filter paper.  Analyse the sample soon after centrifugation or filtering.  If this solution is stored for several hours at low temperature before analysis, the fructan may tend to precipitate from solution.  In such cases, the solution should be reheated to ~ 80°C and allowed to cool to room temperature before samples are removed for centrifugation and analysis.
  • C. Hydrolysis of Sucrose and low DP Maltosaccharides
    1. Accurately dispense 0.2 mL aliquots of solutions to be analysed (containing approx. 0.1 to 2.0 mg/mL of fructan) into the bottom of glass test-tubes (16 x 100 mm).
    2. Add 0.2 mL of solution 3 (sucrase/maltase mixture) to each tube and incubate the tubes at 30°C for 30 min.
    3. Add 0.5 mL of buffer 2 (100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.5) to each tube with vigorous stirring on a vortex mixer.  This is termed Solution A.
  • D. Hydrolysis of Fructan
    1. Accurately and carefully dispense 0.2 mL aliquots of Solution A (in duplicate) to the bottom of plastic spectrophotometer cuvettes (3 mL volume, 1 cm light path).
    2. Add 0.1 mL of solution 4 (fructanase solution) to the bottom of one cuvette, and 0.1 mL of buffer 2 (100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.5) to the second cuvette.  Mix the contents thoroughly and cover the cuvette with Parafilm®.
    3. Incubate the covered cuvettes at 40°C for 30 min in a dry hotblock heater to effect complete hydrolysis of fructan to fructose and glucose (in the cuvettes containing the fructanase enzyme).
  • E. Measurement of fructan


  • 商品規格(50個檢測反應)

    Bottle 1:  
    Buffer (25 mL, pH 7.6) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.
    Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.

    Bottle 2: 
    NADP+ plus ATP.
    Stable for > 5 years below -10°C.

    Bottle 3: 
    Sucrase/maltase, lyophilised powder plus BSA.
    Stable for > 5 years abelow -10°C.

    Bottle 4: 
    Fructanase (recombinant, affinity purified exo-inulinase and endo-inulinase), lyophilised powder.
    Stable for > 5 years below -10°C.

    Bottle 5: 
    Hexokinase plus glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and PGI suspension, 2.25 mL.
    Stable for > 4 years at 4°C.

    Bottle 6: 
    D-Fructose standard solution (0.5 mg/mL) in 0.2% (w/v) benzoic acid.
    Stable for > 4 years; store sealed at room temperature.

    Bottle 7: 
    Fructan control flour.  Dahlia fructan freeze-dried in the presence of α-cellulose.
    Stable for > 5 years; store sealed at room temperature.



  • 參考文獻
  • 水試專訊第31期-以微生物生產果聚醣及其應用:  連結


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