商品編號:P0144600301407 原始貨號:K-YBGL

β-葡聚醣檢測套組(β-聚葡萄醣檢測套組)(酵母菌和菇類)β-Glucan Assay Kit (Yeast & Mushroom)

產品編號: No.  700004358
目錄編號: No.  K-YBGL
  • 用於間接測量酵母菌和菇類(Yeast & Mushroom)細胞壁中β-葡聚醣(β-D-glucan)的含量
  • 真菌的細胞壁主要成分為幾丁質(chitin)和(1,3)(1,6)-β-D-葡聚醣,(1,3)為主鏈、(1,6)為支鏈連結方式
  • 被推薦用於台灣優良食品驗證方案產品檢驗項目規格及標準3.0及3.1版:
    ➡️含 β-聚葡萄醣之菇蕈類保健機能性食品規格基準
  • 檢測原理:
     α-葡聚醣(α-glucan)測量值➕β-葡聚醣(β-glucan)➡️總葡聚醣測量值 (total glucan)( (α-glucan + β-glucan) 
  • 利用硫酸(H2SO4)或氫氧化鈉(NaOH)溶解葡聚醣,並配合各種酵素進行轉化,最終生成淡紅色之quinoneimine,並利用分光光度計在 510 nm波長下測量其吸光度,後續再與標準溶液之吸光值對照,即可得到測試結果
  • 此套組之測量結果,需搭配分光光度計(spectrophotometer)使用
  • 偵測範圍: 4 to 100 μg glucose/assay
  • 便捷、易用、易學、易上手
  • 節省設備建置、實驗室空間、耗材、委外送驗等開銷
  • 提供線上可下載之計算工具,原始數據輕鬆處理
  • 總測試時間:約100-120分鐘
  • 應用:食品研發、學術研究、原物料和成品檢驗
  • 冷藏(2–8°C)可短期存放,如需長時間保存,請參考瓶身的保存方式(酵素保存方式皆不相同)
  • 供應規格:100 檢測反應 /套組
  • 供應規格:此套組內僅提供酵素溶液,其他藥品及耗材需另購
  • 備註
    3️⃣樣品中如果含有其他的α-葡聚醣(澱粉葡萄糖苷酶 amyloglucosidase,、蔗糖酶invertase、海藻糖酶trehalase無法分解),則可能讓β-葡聚醣的含量被高估
  • 此商品交期約30-45天,可接受在下單。
  •     7天鑑賞期後即可折抵
  • 原價 : $ 9,999,999



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  • 背景資料




  • A. MEASUREMENT OF TOTAL GLUCAN (-glucan + β-glucan)  總葡聚醣測量值
    a. Solubilisation and partial hydrolysis of total glucan  
    1. Mill mushroom or yeast sample to pass a 1.0 mm screen using a centrifugal mill.
    2. Add the milled sample (approx. 90 mg, weighed accurately) to a 20 x 12 mm Fisher Brand culture tube. Tap the tube to ensure that all the sample falls to the bottom of the tube.
    3. Add 2.0 mL of ice cold 12 M sulphuric acid to each tube, cap the tubes and stir them vigorously on a vortex mixer. Place the tubes in an ice-water bath and NOTE: With each set of determinations, include at least one control yeast or mushroom preparation. Also include reagent blanks and glucose standards of 100 μg (in quadruplicate). Run these through the entire incubation procedure with GOPOD Reagent.  The reagent blank consists of 0.2 mL of sodium acetate buffer (200 mM, pH 4.5) + 3.0 mL GOPOD Reagent. The D-glucose standard consists of 0.1 mL of bottle 5 (D-glucose standard, 1 mg/mL) + 0.1 mL of sodium acetate buffer (200 mM, pH 4.5) + 3.0 mL GOPOD Reagent. The absorbances of the samples assayed should not exceed that obtained for the D-glucose control samples. If the sample absorbance exceeds the control values dilute the sample further to achieve a suitable absorbance. 6  incubate for 2 h. Periodically, vigorously stir the tube contents (for 10-15 sec, several times) on a vortex mixer (to ensure complete dissolution of the βglucan).
    4. Add 4 mL of water to each tube, cap the tubes and vigorously stir the contents on a vortex mixer for 10 sec. Then add 6 mL of water, cap the tubes and stir the contents for a further 10 sec.
    5. Loosen the caps on the tubes and place them in a boiling water bath (~ 100°C). After 5 min, tighten the caps and continue the incubation for 2 h.
    6. Cool the tubes to room temperature and carefully loosen the caps.
    7. Quantitatively transfer the contents of each tube to a 100 mL volumetric flask using a wash bottle containing 200 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5).
    8. Add 6 mL of 8.0 M NaOH solution to the volumetric flask and adjust to volume with 200 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5). Mix the contents well by inversion and collect an aliquot of the sample in a microfuge tube.
    9. Centrifuge an aliquot of the solution at 13,000 rpm for 5 min. 

    b. Measurement of total glucan
    1. Transfer 0.1 mL aliquots (in duplicate) of filtered or centrifuged extract to the bottom of glass test tubes (16 x 100 mm).
    2. Add 0.1 mL of Solution 1 [exo-1,3-β-glucanase plus β-glucosidase] to the bottom of each tube, mix the tube contents on a vortex mixer and incubate at 40°C for 60 min.
    3. Add 3.0 mL of GOPOD Reagent to each tube and incubate at 40°C for 20 min.
    4. Measure the absorbance of all solutions at 510 nm against the reagent blank. 
  • B. MEASUREMENT OF α-GLUCAN(α-葡聚醣測量值)
    a. Solubilisation, hydrolysis and measurement of α-glucan
    1. Add the milled sample (approx. 100 mg, weighed accurately) to a 20 x 125 mm Fisher Brand culture tube. Tap the tube to ensure that all the sample falls to the bottom of the tube.
    2. Add a magnetic stirrer bar (5 x 15 mm) followed by 2 mL of 1.7 M NaOH to each tube and suspend the pellets by stirring for approx. 20 min in an ice/ water bath over a magnetic stirrer.
    3. Add 8 mL of 1.2 M sodium acetate buffer (pH 3.8) to each tube with stirring. Immediately add 0.2 mL of Bottle 2 [amyloglucosidase plus invertase] and 0.05 mL of Bottle 7 [Trehalase], mix well and place the tubes in a water bath at 40°C. 
    4. Incubate the tubes at 40°C for 60 min with intermittent mixing on a vortex stirrer.
    5. For samples containing > 10% α-glucan content; quantitatively transfer the contents of the tube to a 100 mL volumetric flask (using a water wash bottle) and adjust to volume with water. Mix well. Centrifuge an aliquot of the solution at 13,000 rpm for 10 min or filter through Whatman No. 1 filter paper (9 cm).
    6. For samples containing < 10% α-glucan content; transfer 2 mL of solution to a microfuge tube and centrifuge at 13,000 rpm for 5 min. For such samples the final volume in the tube is approx. 10.35 mL (however, this volume may vary slightly with the type of sample being analysed). In some cases, an appropriate allowance for volume should be made in the calculations.
    7. Transfer 0.1 mL aliquots (in duplicate) of either the diluted or undiluted supernatants into glass test tubes (16 x 100 mm), add 0.1 mL of sodium acetate buffer (200 mM, pH 4.5) plus 3.0 mL of GOPOD reagent and incubate at 40°C for 20 min.
    8. Measure the absorbance of all solutions at 510 nm against the reagent blank. 


  • 商品規格(100個檢測反應)
    Bottle 1: (x2) 
    exo-1,3-β-Glucanase plus β-Glucosidase ammonium sulphate suspension, 2.0 mL.
    Store at 4°C. See individual label for expiry date. 

    Bottle 2: 
    Amyloglucosidase plus invertase solution in 50% (v/v) glycerol, 20 mL.
    Store below -10 °C. See individual label for expiry date.
    NOTE: If stored at 4°C the expiry of this product will be decreased to ≥ 2 years. 

    Bottle 3: 
    GOPOD Reagent Buffer.
    Buffer (50 mL, pH 7.4). p-hydroxybenzoic acid and sodium azide (0.09%).
    Store at 4°C. See individual label for expiry date. 

    Bottle 4: 
    GOPOD Reagent Enzymes.
    Glucose oxidase plus peroxidase and 4aminoantipyrine.
    Freeze-dried powder. Store below -10°C. See individual label for expiry date. 

    Bottle 5: 
    D-Glucose standard solution (5 mL, 1.00 mg/mL) in 0.2% (w/v) benzoic acid.
    Store sealed at room temperature. See individual label for expiry date. 

    Bottle 6: 
    Control yeast β-glucan preparation (~ 2 g, β-glucan content stated on the bottle label).
    Store sealed at room temperature. See individual label for expiry date. 

    Bottle 7:
    Trehalase suspension (5 mL).   
    Store at 4°C. See individual label for expiry date. 


  • 產品說明書:連結
  • 確認報告:連結
  • 物質安全資料表(Safety Data Sheet; SDS):英文連結
  • 計算公式:  連結
  • 台灣優良食品驗證方案產品檢驗項目規格及標準:  連結
  • TQF-PCS-126(3.0)_機能性食品檢驗項目規格及標準:  連結






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