商品編號:P0144600301441 原始貨號:8005

CP4 EPSPS-基改檢測-定性-快篩試紙

產品編號: No.  700002471

目錄編號: No.  8005
  • Reveal® for CP4
  • 用於定性檢測,黃豆或玉米是否為CP4 EPSPS轉基因作物
  • 檢測原理:側流體免疫層析法 (lateral flow immunochromatographic assay)
  • 採用純水萃取,無需使用危險溶劑
  • 檢驗流程約10-15分鐘,即可得到結果
  • 偵測極限:黃豆0.1%<1粒/1000粒>、玉米0.125%<1粒/800粒>
  • 便捷、易用、易學、易上手
  • 節省設備建置、實驗室空間、耗材、委外檢驗等開銷
  • 應用:食品業原物料驗收
  • 可室溫存放(18–30°C)
  • 供應規格:50 檢測反應 /組
  • 此商品交期約30-45天,可接受在下單。
  •     7天鑑賞期後即可折抵
  • 原價 : $ 9,999,999



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  • 原理
    側流體免疫層析法 (lateral flow immunochromatographic assay),為快篩試劑的使用原理,藉由抗體抗原間的專一性與免疫親和力做檢測,被普遍應用在、病毒感染確認、妊娠測試、警局臨檢驗毒等方面。此方法多用於定性檢測,且顯色標定物上也有許多不同的種類,目前大多數的顯色方式是利用抗體吸附在膠體金(colloid gold)來呈色。

    嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)為一種廣效性的除草劑,農藥作用機制代碼:HRAC 9;Leagcy HRAC: G 系統性,農藥產品中年年春、家家春、興農樂農家..等都有其成分。屬於系統性藥劑,雜草從根部吸收後,可分布於全株植物,並作用於葉綠體阻斷植物的光合作用。嘉磷塞原理為抑制芳香族胺基酸生合成路徑中Five-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS)酵素之作用。

    CP4 EPSPS 基因源自於農桿菌CP4菌株(Agrobacterium sp. Strain CP4),CP4 EPSPS 基因可生合成CP4 EPSPS蛋白(此為酵素),CP4 EPSPS酵素對嘉磷塞結合的親和力較低,因此提高了CP4菌株對嘉磷塞的耐受性。透過基因轉殖技術可將CP4 EPSPS 基因送至植物細胞當中(例如:玉米或黃豆),進而研發出可抗嘉磷塞(除草劑)的基因改造作物,因此後續有基因改造食品的出現。
  • 結果判讀
    The sample to be tested should be collected according to accepted sampling techniques. Extracted samples should be tested immediately.
    1. Determine the average bean weight of the soybeans to be tested by counting out 100 beans, weighing all 100 together in one container to the nearest 0.01 gram, and dividing the total by 100.
    NOTE: The result in step 1 should approximately correlate with the size classifications for soybeans established by the Association of Official Seed Analysts. The classifications are: Very Petite, 0.076 g/seed; Small, 0.095 g/seed; Medium, 0.223 g/seed; and Large, 0.293 g/seed.
    2. To achieve 0.1% sensitivity with this test, multiply the average bean weight determined in step 1 by 1,000 to determine the sample size. (Example: An average bean weight of 0.095 X 1,000 = a sample size of 95 grams.)
    3. Weigh out the soybean sample size determined in step 2 and deposit into a 32 oz jar. Attach blender blade assembly and blend on high speed for 30-45 seconds.
    4. Remove the blender blade and add 4 times the sample size of water to the jar. (Example: 4 X 95 grams of sample = 380 mL of water.) Cap and shake for 30-45 seconds to ensure all the blended soybean has been wetted.
    5. Let soybean and water mixture settle, and use liquid from the top of the jar as the test sample.
    NOTE: It is highly recommended to centrifuge soy samples by pipetting 1 mL of sample into a 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge tube, and centrifuge for 1 minute.
    The sample to be tested should be collected according to accepted sampling techniques. Extracted samples should be tested immediately.
    1. Weigh 250 g ± 10 g of whole corn sample to be tested and deposit into a 32 oz jar. Attach blender blade assembly and blend on high speed for 30–45 seconds.
    2. Remove blender blade and add 400 ± 20 mL of water to the jar. Cap and shake for 30–45 seconds to ensure all corn has been wetted.
    3. Let corn and water mixture settle, and use liquid from the top of the jar as the test sample.
    1. Remove the appropriate number of sample tubes and place in tube rack.
    IMPORTANT: You must use the supplied sample tubes for the test procedure for proper sample flow.
    2.  Using a new transfer pipette for each sample, transfer approximately 0.5 mL of extract to a sample tube.
    3. Place a new CP4 strip with the sample end down into a sample tube.
    4.  Allow the strip to develop and read results.
    Positive results: If a line forms in the test zone and another line forms in the control zone within 10 minutes (2 lines total), the sample is positive for CP4 at > 0.1% for soybeans, or > 0.125% for corn. A positive sample may be determined as soon as 2 lines are visible on the strip. If there is no line in the control zone, the test is invalid and the sample should be re-tested with another strip.
    Negative results: If after the full 10 minutes there is no visible line in the test zone, but a visible line in the control zone, the sample is negative for CP4. If there is no line in the control zone, the test is invalid and the sample should be retested with another strip.

    NOTES: • Positive results can be recorded as soon as 2 lines are visible, within 1–10 minutes of  development time. • Negative results must be observed after 10 minutes. Observations after 15 minutes may be inaccurate due to over-development of the device.


  • 商品規格(25個檢測反應)
    1️⃣50 CP4 test strips
    2️⃣50 transfer pipettes 
    3️⃣50 sample tubes


  • 產品說明書:連結
  • 操作手冊:連結
  • 物質安全資料表(Safety Data Sheet; SDS):


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