經 營 理 念
Company Philosophy

六奉茶莊品牌象徵為六片茶葉環繞成圓,代表六奉茶莊轉動不停且源源不絕的六個奉獻精神: 「誠心、品質、健康、專業、安全、服務」也象徵著六奉茶莊深耕專研於世界上的六大種茶:「綠茶、黃茶、白茶、青茶、紅茶、黑茶」。而被六片茶葉環繞在中間的「六」,不僅是六奉的「六」,同時形似日本神社中的鳥居,象徵神與人的交界。在六奉茶莊的品牌視覺上,進入了六奉茶莊,就代表您已進入「茶職人的領域」。「奉茶」是為待客之道,更是心意的表達,六奉茶莊時刻秉持著奉茶的最高精神,將最好的心意轉化為最好的茶湯,呈現給您。

The brand logo of LIU FENG consists of 6 tea leaves forming a circle. In Chinese culture, the 6 tea leaves represent the 6 spirits of dedication which are as follows: sincerity, quality, health, professionalism, safety, and service. The circle symbolizes the hard work and effort put into each LIU FENG tea product. LIU FENG has carried out an intensive research on 6 main tea varieties, namely green tea, yellow tea, white tea, celadon tea, black tea and dark tea. The Chinese numeral "LIU" in the center of the company logo, resembles a Japanese Torii. It is a traditional Japanese gate commonly found at the entrance of a Japanese Shinto shrine. It is erected as a boundary between the human world and the sacred house of the Shinto gods. In a similar sense, once you arrive at LIU FENG, you are entering the “field of tea craftsmen." "Fengcha" is the tradition of serving tea. It is a sign of hospitality as well as an expression of sincere respect. LIU FENG is committed to uphold the tradition of serving only the highest quality of tea products.


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服 務 項 目
Service Items
Retail  │ Wholesale │ Customized Service │ Various Activities

  • 台灣清香型烏龍茶 
    Taiwan Oolong Tea


  • 台灣烘焙烏龍茶 
    Taiwan Roast Oolong Tea


  • 台灣紅茶與其他 
    Taiwan Black Tea & Other 


  • 冷熱泡茶包 
    Hot & Cold Brew Tea Bag


  • 專利彈性濾嘴
    Design Patent: Tea Filter


  • 瓶裝冷泡茶 
    Cold Brewed Tea


  • 禮盒專區 
    Gift Box


Store Information